Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Good Day!

Today was a good day...no...scratch that...a FABULOUS DAY!

I had a cancer checkup, which would normally be labelled a nail biting day...BUT....

My doctor doesn't want to see me until AUGUST! YAY! Unless I feel that something changes.

She feels that I don't need to be watched like a hawk at this time and that my appointments can be spaced a little farther for the time being.  I love my doctor.  She is fantastic! She listens to the patient's needs. She is on board with the treatment plan that I want! What more could I ask?!?!

Meanwhile, little Buddy makes me laugh so much lately.  Wearing 3 pairs of underwear similar to these because it would be a shame to not wear all of the patterns at once! Or finding tampons and calling them whistles.  Or using the cardboard applicators as "dinosaur claws." Lol. Never a dull moment.  I think my feminine care product bill just went up! Yikes!

I taught him how to clean a toilet today and paid him $.25 for doing it.  He only scrubbed the inside of the bowl, but for an almost 3 year old he did pretty good! He will be able to earn an allowance of $1 (or maybe a little more so tax at the dollar store will be covered) a week I have decided.  Then, we can make trips to the dollar store where he can pick out toys.  Never too young to start teaching hard work pays off!

Besides...if he's going to "squirt" the toilet down every time he goes, he might as well be the one to clean the darn thing! lol



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